Open Letter to Attorney General William Barr, fellow Democrats, and hardworking citizens, voters and leaders:

Dear Attorney General William Barr:
CC: Bernadine Williams, Green Party, Texas

RE: Calling for an independent Ethics Commission
and Constitutional Convention for providing Proportional Representation by Party

Thank you for your public call for integrity and investigations into our National Elections process. As Biden has called for commitment to represent, protect and serve the best interests of all citizens across American, regardless of vote or creed, I equally commit and call for enforcement of Constitutional and Civil Rights laws protecting all citizens rights to liberty, and not to have our rights or liberties deprived by discrimination by creed, or without due process, or by taxation without our consent and representation.

If we look at the electoral and popular vote by maps:

• Externally, the map of the land shows an overwhelming majority Red or Conservative, including counties within states regardless of popular votes. This mapping is consistent with the external duties of executive offices to govern national and international security, and interstate commerce, within the enumerated powers in the Constitution that no parties dispute.

• Internally, the states are divided evenly 50/50, 25 Red or Conservative and 25 Blue or Liberal states, where the highest density areas of Population correspond consistently with the Liberal emphasis and belief that government is responsible for the “general welfare” of the people, including protecting equal access to health care, jobs, education and other social benefits.

However, Conservatives do not believe these rights belong in federal government, but remain natural rights reserved to people and states, better managed democratically by local representation to protect individual liberty and “freedom of choice” from statist mandates from central government that require consent of the affected public to carry Constitutional authority.

In order to protect and represent these rights and approaches to government equally, we have a duty to organize equally inclusive representation, while preventing parties from imposing beliefs on others.

In keeping with the Code of Ethics for Government Service, Public Law 96-303, anyone in government service should expose corruption wherever discovered; never to discriminate unfairly but to put loyalty to country above persons and party; and uphold the Constitution, laws and regulations of the United States, and all governments therein, and never be a party to their evasion.

By those standards, I applaud and join in your commitment to address and resolve ethics issues with the election process and complaints of abuse, fraud, and misrepresentation of the votes of citizens.

To me, the biggest issue of defrauding voters by misrepresentation lies not with just counting votes but with the solicitation of them. As a Democrat, I have found the majority of my fellow liberal Democrats and progressive Green colleagues do not believe it is unconstitutional discrimination by creed to impose the political belief in the right to health care through Federal Government, instead of reserving this right to people and states to take responsibility for legally managing the resources necessary to support it.

I find this misrepresentation of Constitutional laws and limits to cause “discrimination by creed” by seeking not only to punish citizens and taxpayers with Constitutional beliefs that this is unlawful abuse of federal authority to violate civil rights, but to solicit Votes and Donations by partisan advertising based on fraudulent misrepresenting both the legality of these campaign promises, and the slander, defamation and false advertising that claims Conservative opposition is based on greed instead of law, mischaracterizing Conservative as wanting to “take away health care” or even kill people. Despite my full support for sustainable universal care, through nonprofit medical cooperatives I have found meet Constitutional standards respecting equal rights, beliefs and ethics in cost-effectiveness, I have also been falsely accused, bullied and harassed with such defamatory accusations because of these differences in creed that are not recognized as an unlawful form of discrimination against my Constitutional beliefs.

When an entire Party, such as the Democrats, engages in this discrimination nationally, and abuses both national and private media, political campaigns to solicit both financial donations and votes, and the investment of those votes and donations in legislative agenda denying civil rights by establishing political beliefs through federal government that violate Constitutional beliefs and protections of half the nation, I argue this constitutes negligent or deliberate “conspiracy to violate civil rights” – normally a felony.

The main reason this is never prosecuted legally is that people of all parties indirectly benefit from unlawful imposition of their preferred belief or creed, to exclude or deprive others of their rights to exercise and even express their rights without punishment. However, I do not share this belief in violating rights by abusing party or government to bully and discriminate by creed, and do not deserve to be denied my liberty and free exercise because of the wrongs committed by other parties I contest.

I thereby urge you, and other Attorneys General and Governors of States where voter fraud complaints have been raised, to take responsibility to survey the citizens and parties within your jurisdiction to determine the degree of misrepresentation and fraud. My ethical standards of informed consent require voters to understand the belief that health care rights belong to people, party or states to fund and manage democratically, not to federal government without a Constitutional Convention of States to create an Amendment protecting representation of people and States affected by national policies.

For the COVID crisis, during the interstate outbreaks and international threat of spread, executive authority was limited only to what the public agreed was within Constitutional jurisdiction; thus, it is not the fault of the President or Vice President, but requires us, as the people, to agree on Constitutional process and limits instead of blaming our government for disputed agenda we must first resolve among ourselves and States, before we authorize federal government to act by consent of the governed.

Instead of pushing politically for Conservative and Liberal ideologies to dominate the entire nation, I call for party and government leaders to prepare for a Convention of States for the purpose of preserving the existing Constitution, and adding an Auxiliary system managed locally by people per party precinct to independently address complaints of Constitutional ethics and enforcement according to the Code of Ethics for Government Service, to form a consensus on points of agreement and objections, and to submit recommended reforms and solutions to the respective offices or officials to resolve conflicts. A local process is better for managing health care policies democratically to protect the public interest, as well as settling debts and damages for government abuse and waste owed by wrongdoers to taxpayers.

For the current election results, contested key states having close races with less than 2% difference or margin of error, the systems of verifying and counting mail-in ballots became unmanageable because of COVID demands. Given the disparity between ability of citizens to vote in person or to submit verifiable absentee ballots, those states cannot measure the difference in totals with guaranteed accuracy. Thus, interpreting the results requires “faith” in the process used, which not all citizens or parties share. Our government is required not to establish “faith-based” policies, but is required to substantiate proof that citizens consent as fact. A consensus by citizens and states would ensure no standards are violated.

Thus, I call for the citizens, officials and electors of those states to consider splitting their electoral votes proportionally to be fair to both top candidates, where Biden can still win with over 270 votes; or to abstain from voting, if the House and Senate can agree to vote in both Biden and Trump to share executive duties, together representing 99% instead of 50% of the voting population, inclusive of party and creed, so no citizens are deprived of representation, voting rights, and equal protections of the law.

Attached are two charts and outcomes for sharing electoral votes proportionally. One chart shows all 50 states and DC divided proportionally, where Biden still receives 271 votes to win over Trump’s 266, with 1 vote for Jorgensen (Texas third parties received .6 which would also round up to 1 electoral vote). The other chart shows only the contested states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania (plus Maine and Nebraska) divided proportionally, giving both Biden and Trump an even 269 electoral votes each, where the election would be decided by vote of the House and Senate, representing all states. The option of the House vote would allow the election of both Trump and Biden to serve together.

I petition the people, parties and governments of all States, to consult with your party chairs and precincts, and decide which outcome and interpretation of election results best serves both your local constituents, your state, and the entire nation equally. I also call to include third and independent parties requiring consensus as a nation in order to meet Constitutional ethics standards and God’s will that would be supreme and universal, and not affected or divided by human error, bias or conflict.

A. The election results stand as called, with Biden/Harris winning enough electoral votes and election to the offices of President/Vice President, despite disputed complaints of fraudulent counts and other violations of election laws and process, including discrimination by creed that excludes Third Party participation and representation in the election and campaigning process.

B. The adjusted electoral count, where Biden still wins with over 270 electoral votes, but the Democratic Party must agree to concessions put forth by Trump and opposing Candidates, Parties and Citizens, including admission to violations of Constitutional laws, oath and public duty by either negligent or deliberate conspiracy to violate civil rights by establishing beliefs through government that discriminate by creed against Constitutional principles, and to perpetuate fraud by collectively abusing party, media and government resources to solicit votes or donations based on misrepresentation of political beliefs, resulting in slander and fraud.

C. Abstention or division of electoral votes in contested states, where Biden and Trump either tie with 269 each or fewer and neither received 270; the House and Senate vote on President and Vice President; and both Trump and Biden agree to share duties of office so both are elected to serve the nation, evenly proportioned between Conservative and Liberal states and parties.

For the percentage of the population voting for third or independent parties, or not voting at all due to religious beliefs in a higher standard of government that must be 100% consistent with God’s laws, I call for representatives of Native Tribes, including Hawaii and in California and Oklahoma, as well as independent settlements such as Freedmen’s Town, and territories or districts without statehood from DC to Puerto Rico, to work with other Party leaders and Candidates to form a Constitutional Council for proportional representation by party to address complaints of ethics, government abuses, and conflicts in political beliefs. I commit to serve in facilitation and to examine the possibility of keeping Alaska and Hawaii as the last two states, but annexing and incorporating all other Native tribes and self-governing districts or territories as sovereign city-states within these recognized U.S. states to share Congressional representation that recognizes local states’ rights while ensuring national interests and border security.

As a Democrat who enforces Constitutional principles, ethics and protections first, above party and political belief, I call for inclusion of Greens, Libertarians, Constitutionalists and independent citizens and districts to address issues of sustainable health care by democratizing districts to become self-governing. Instead of imposing conflicting creeds between federal, state and local control of health care policies, tax breaks can be given for investing in microlending and business mentorships to replace contested welfare handouts, while parties manage terms of social benefits and services for their own members democratically, funded voluntarily to respect free choice of party, or by requiring mandatory medical training and service in exchange for health care benefits, as an equal alternative to military service. By converting prisons into teaching hospitals and treatment centers for effective rehabilitation, resources saved can be invested in medical associations run democratically by cooperatives, which can still receive grants and tax breaks from federal government without compromising liberty in health care decisions.

The issues dividing our nation should serve as a map to re-organize our priorities and governments to fully meet these demands, instead of violating civil rights by imposing one party or creed on another.

This DRAFT shall be submitted to various colleagues and consultants with a shared interest in upholding Constitutional laws and protections, and enforcing common standards of ethics universal to all parties.

Respectfully submitted, this 11th Day of November, 2020 in honor of Armistice Day and the service and sacrifice of Veterans, Leaders and Servants who have taken sworn oaths to defend Constitutional laws.

My personal prayer is for unity with fellow Democrat supporters of Biden and Harris, the Obamas and Clintons, Yang, Williamson, Bloomberg, Steyer, Gabbard, Warren and Sanders, to expand the Electoral College to provide proportional representation by party, using the Vice Presidential position to facilitate a Constitutional Convention Center for resolving conflicts, and managing domestic social policies and health care by party, transferred back to people and states by tax deductions from federal government, and investing campaign funds in sustainable cooperative solutions as corrections and reimbursement for unconstitutional abuse and waste of taxes, including violations that discriminated by class and creed.

Yours truly,
Emily Nghiem, Constitutionalist

Democratic Precinct 30
Freedmen’s Town National Historic District

P.O. Box 981101
Houston, Texas 77098


  1. CHART A:

    CHART B:





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